Leaving a Legacy.

It is with a profound sense of gratitude that I write to you today, and to confirm that I will be retiring on July 31st, 2021. I want to thank everyone involved with Simpson Seeds for the role you have played in helping our family and our company to achieve all that we have done together. It has been my joy and delight to serve alongside each of you over these past 42 years.

It was the summer of 1979 when our father, Jim Simpson, and my brothers Tom and John sat around our kitchen table planning. Our mom, Helen Simpson, was intent on offering us all more food to eat. It was at this table that the idea of a new seed cleaning plant was birthed. Our father was an entrepreneur and a visionary, and with his blessing and support, we borrowed the money to build the plant, incorporating Simpson Seeds Inc. on August 13th, 1979.

At the time, we were facing many challenges, and we knew we needed to change or risk losing the farm. The original vision was for Tom, John, and me to sustain the family farm by growing pedigree seeds.