Community Involvement

Simpson Seeds Inc. is passionate about being involved with the community and philanthropic giving.
We have been blessed in many ways and believe in our role and duty to help where help is needed.

Below is a list of charities and community programs that we are happy to support.

Crohn's & Colitis

For more information on Crohn's & Colitis

Canadian Cancer Society

For more information on Cancer Society

MJ Warrior Workout Program

For more information on MJ Warrior Program

Terry Fox Run

For more information on Terry Fox Run

Cystic Fibrosis

For more information on Cystic Fibrosis

MJ Health Foundation

For more information on MJ Health Foundation

Gleanings for the Hungry

Food Program to help feed the world

For more information on Gleanings for the Hungry

FCC Drive Away Hunger

Food donated is given to local foodbank

For more information on FCC Drive Away Hunger

Ag in the Classroom

Food farm held twice per year when students come to learn about where food comes from

For more information on Ag in the Classroom


Kitchen and learning center in Swift Current to feed people in community who do not have much or homeless

For more information on FreshStart

Solid Rock Refuge

Program for trouble teens

For more information on Solid Rock Refuge


not-for-profit organization that provides financial assistance for kids aged 18 and under

For more information on KidSport