Simpson Seeds Inc. is committed to providing a barrier-free environment for all stakeholders, including
clients, employees, job applicants, suppliers, and any visitors who enter the premises, access information
provided by the company, or use the company’s goods and services.

This accessibility plan contains details of the company’s policies, practices, and services in relation to the
identification and removal of barriers. This plan is also used to establish prevention
measures against new barriers emerging to ensure a barrier-free environment at the company.
This accessibility plan is offered in any of the following formats upon request:

  • Print;
  • Large print;
  • Audio; and
  • Electronic.

The company welcomes any feedback from the general public. Any feedback or questions regarding this
plan or requests for copies of the (accessibility plan OR progress report) in an alternative format can be
addressed to the following designated company representative:

Jarrod Jeanson, Human Resource Coordinator
1170 North Service Road, Moose Jaw, SK, S6H 4P8

Feedback can be provided anonymously if desired. Feedback can be received in the following formats:

  • Telephone;
  • E-mail;
  • Mail;

Executive Summary

Simpson Seeds Inc. is proud to introduce its first Accessibility Plan as an important first step towards
realizing the Accessible Canada Act’s commitment to creating a barrier-free Canada by 2040.
With a vision to proactively eliminate and prevent barriers faced by persons with disabilities and ensure
greater opportunities for them, the Plan provides a strong foundation for the work that lies ahead to
make the organization inclusive by design and accessible by default.


Simpson Seeds Inc. understands that improving workplace accessibility and ensuring an accessible
recruitment and selection process for applicants with disabilities can contribute to a more diverse and
welcoming workplace culture.
The company has implemented the following policies, programs, practices, and services to identify,
remove, and prevent new and existing barriers in relation to employment:

  • Where necessary, accommodations are being made during the recruitment and selection stages, and
    throughout the employment lifecycle.
  • All training and development programs provided will consider an employee’s barriers and abilities,
    and are provided in alternative formats, such as providing training options online or in-person or in
    different languages.

The company remains committed to addressing existing barriers and preventing new barriers in
employment. After a thorough review of the policies, programs, practices, and services, and through
feedback and consultations, the following barriers were identified that continue to exist in employment
at the company:

  • We have bonafide job requirements for our positions within the seed plant. Individuals are required
    to be able to lift 100 lb bags and we are unable to accommodate individuals who cannot climb stairs
    to access different levels of the plant. However, we hope to build a partnership with the
    Saskatchewan Abilities Council, Canadian Council for Rehabilitation and Work, and Moose Jaw
    Families for Change to identify some job opportunities that might exist in other areas of employment
    for our organization.

The company will take the following actions in the short term to address these identified barriers, to be
achieved in one year after this plan is published:

  • Identify employment opportunities in our head office and sample room that would be suitable for
    individuals with disabilities and ensure that our recruitment practices target potential candidates for

The company will take the following actions in the long term to address these identified barriers, that
will take three or more years to achieve after this plan is published:

  • Make every effort to employ an individual with a disability by end of 2025.

The Built Environment

Simpson Seeds Inc. will work to ensure that elements of the built environment, including building
interiors and exteriors, are designed to facilitate barrier-free access to goods or services. The company
has implemented the following policies, programs, practices, and services to identify, remove, and
prevent new and existing barriers in relation to the built environment:

  •  Concrete sidewalks allowing easy access for individuals with mobility challenges.

The company remains committed to addressing existing barriers and preventing new barriers in the built
environment. After a thorough review of the policies, programs, practices, and services, and through
feedback and consultations, the following barriers were identified that continue to exist in the built
environment at the company:

  • Our head office is not wheelchair accessible (automatic doors)
  • We do not have a designated handicapped parking space or handicapped parking signs in the front
    of our office.
  • Our counters are too high in the front office and in the sample room for someone in a wheelchair.
    The company will take the following actions in the short term to address these identified barriers, to be
    achieved in 12 months after this plan is published:
  • We are pricing out signage and vehicle accessibility for vendors and customers who visit our main
    office. These quotations should be available for budgetary review in August 2024 and in place by end
    of year, 2024.

The company will take the following actions in the long term to address these identified barriers, that
will take three years or more to achieve after this plan is published:

  • We will be gathering quotations from vendors to modify the main doors of our head office to
    automatic opening doors. This will make our office wheelchair accessible for job applicants,
    customers, and vendors.
  • We will have to design an action plan to modify our countertops to make them accessible to
    individuals in wheelchairs.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Simpson Seeds Inc. understands that communication to and with the company is vital to an
individual’s access to the company’s goods or services. The company has implemented the following
information and communication technologies to allow individuals to communicate with the company:

  • Accessible formats including print, large print, audio, and electronic.
  • All office work is accessible online from home using our VPN network.

To help ensure compliance with these services, the company has implemented the following policies,
programs, practices, and services to identify, remove, and prevent new and existing barriers in relation
to information and communication technology:

  • Upon request, the company provides or arranges for accessible formats and communication
    supports for employees, applicants, or persons accessing the company’s goods or services. Such
    accessible formats and communication supports are conversion-ready and are provided in a timely
    manner and at no additional cost.
  • The company consults with the individual to determine the specific barrier and the best way to
    provide support.

The company remains committed to addressing existing barriers and preventing new barriers in relation
to information and communication technologies. After a thorough review of the policies,
programs, practices, and services, and through feedback and consultations, the following barriers were
identified that continue to exist in relation to information and communication technologies at the

  • No barriers noted at this time.

Communication Other Than ICT

This area is irrelevant to our operations.

The Procurement of Goods

Simpson Seeds Inc. is committed to ensuring that all individuals can obtain the company’s goods and
services. The company has implemented the following methods to allow individuals to obtain our goods
and services:

  • Orders via email;
  • Orders via telephone (verbal);
  • Orders via text message

To help ensure compliance with these services, the company has implemented the following policies,
programs, practices, and services to identify, remove, and prevent new and existing barriers in relation
to the procurement of goods:

  • No barriers noted at this time.

The company remains committed to addressing existing barriers and preventing new barriers in relation
to the procurement of goods. After a thorough review of the policies, programs, practices, and
services, and through feedback and consultations, the following barriers were identified that continue to
exist in relation to the procurement of goods at the company:

  • No action planned at this time.

The company will take the following actions in the short term to address these identified barriers, to be
achieved in (number of weeks or months) after this plan is published:

  • No action planned at this time.

The company will take the following actions in the long term to address these identified barriers, that
will take (number of expected years) or more to achieve after this plan is published:

  • No action planned at this time.

Services and Facilities

Simpson Seeds Inc. provides limited services to the public and our facilities are designed for our
employees alone. However, the company has implemented the following methods to allow individuals
to access our front office:

  • Wheelchair Accessible Entrance;
  • Wheelchair Accessible bathroom

To help ensure compliance with these services, the company has implemented the following policies,
programs, practices, and services to identify, remove, and prevent new and existing barriers in relation
to the company’s services and facilities:

  • Reviewing the cost of implementing automatic doors at our front entrance.

The company remains committed to addressing existing barriers and preventing new barriers in relation
to the company’s services and facilities. After a thorough review of the policies, programs, practices, and
services, and through feedback and consultations, the following barriers were identified that continue to
exist in relation to services and facilities of the company:

  • No automatic doors at front entrance

The company will take the following actions in the short term to address these identified barriers, to be
achieved in three months after this plan is published:

  • Price out available options for automatic doors.

The company will take the following actions in the long term to address these identified barriers, that
will take three years or more to achieve after this plan is published:

  • We will be gathering quotations from vendors to modify the main doors of our head office to
    automatic opening doors. This will make our office more independently accessible for job applicants,
    customers, and vendors.

The Design and Delivery of Programs and Services

Simpson Seeds Inc. is committed to ensuring that all its programs and services are designed in a
manner accessible to all individuals. The company has implemented the following methods to ensure
this accessibility:

  • Our HRMS meets accessibility requirements for onboarding and ongoing employee accessibility.
  • Our web site requires a rebuild to meet accessibility requirements.

To help ensure compliance with these methods, the company has implemented the following policies,
programs, practices, and services to identify, remove, and prevent new and existing barriers in relation to
the design and delivery of its programs and services:

  • There is a scheduled web site rebuild that should go live by October 2024.

The company remains committed to addressing existing barriers and preventing new barriers in relation
to the design and delivery of the company’s programs and services. After a thorough review of
the policies, programs, practices, and services, and through feedback and consultations, the following
barriers were identified that continue to exist in relation to the company’s design and delivery of the
company’s programs and services:

  • Company website does not meet conformance set out in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines:

Here are some key components:

  • Text alternatives: Provide text alternatives for non-text content, such as images, videos, and
    audio. This allows users with visual impairments or other disabilities to access the content using
    assistive technologies like screen readers. Needs captions added to images this also applies to
    interactive elements such as buttons and forms.
  • Keyboard accessibility: Ensure that all website functionality is accessible using a keyboard. This
    allows users who cannot use a mouse, such as those with motor impairments, to navigate the
    website. Needs work and further research into how to accomplish this.
  • Colour contrast: Ensure sufficient colour contrast between text and background colours. This
    makes it easier for users with visual impairments to read the content. Needs work adjusting the
    text for better contrast in some areas.

The company will take the following actions in the short term to address these identified barriers, to be
achieved in seven months after this plan is published:

  • Web site is being rebuilt and should meet Accessibility Guidelines by October 2024.

The company will take the following actions in the long term to address these identified barriers, that
will take (number of expected years) or more to achieve after this plan is published:

  • No action anticipated that would require long term investment.


This area is irrelevant to our operations.


Simpson Seeds Inc. recognizes that persons with disabilities are equal participants in all areas of life. The
company is guided by the recognized principles of the Accessible Canada Act:

  • All persons must be treated with dignity regardless of their disabilities;
  • All persons must have the same opportunity to make for themselves the lives that they can and
    want to have regardless of their disabilities;
  • All persons must have barrier-free access to full and equal participation in society, regardless of their
  • All persons must have meaningful options and be free to make their own choices, with support if they
    desire, regardless of their disabilities;
  • Policies, programs, services, and structures must take into account the disabilities of persons, the
    different ways that persons interact with their environments, and the multiple and intersecting forms of
    marginalization and discrimination persons face;
  • Persons with disabilities must be involved in the development and design of policies, programs,
    services, and structures; and
  • The development and revision of accessibility standards and the making of regulations must be done
    with the objective of achieving the highest level of accessibility for persons with disabilities.

Accordingly, the company is committed to ensuring that persons with disabilities are involved in all
decision-making regarding its policies, programs, practices, and service delivery. In preparation of
this accessibility plan, the company consulted with representatives from the Canadian Council on
Rehabilitation and Work, in the following manner:

  • met with Ann Quan, Employment Counsellor, of the CCRW on March 13, 2024, and reviewed our draft
    Accessibility Plan policy. She also took the draft with her to read over and provide further feedback as

The range of disabilities represented in consultations included:

  • CCRW is a national not-for-profit organization that exists to promote and support meaningful and
    equitable employment of persons with disabilities. They offer job search assistance, employer incentives,
    accommodation assessments, consulting services, and a variety of workshops. Additionally, they provide
    a range of services for employers, from consulting, to hiring and retention, and disability confidence

Through this consultation process, the company has learned that our Accessibility Plan is thoughtful
about the needs of individuals with disabilities who may be looking for work within our organization. The
company intends to address these issues on a short- and long-term basis, as identified in each respective
section of this Accessibility Plan.


Simpson Seeds Inc. understands the importance of ensuring all staff are trained to understand, protect,
and deliver access to the company’s goods and services to persons with disabilities. Staff receive ongoing
training to ensure up-to-date compliance with the laws, regulations, and social expectations regarding
accessibility for persons with disabilities.

The company has implemented accessibility training to its employees to address and prevent new and
existing barriers throughout the organization. This includes:

  • Improving Workplace Accessibility Training for Leaders (All Jurisdictions) – HR Downloads – June 2024

All training and development programs provided will consider an individual’s barriers and abilities.

The company remains committed to continually addressing existing barriers and preventing new barriers.
After a thorough review of the company’s accessibility training documents, and through feedback and
consultations, the following barriers were identified:

  • Workplace Accessibility Training for all Leaders is not in place

The company will take the following actions in the short term to address these identified barriers, to be
achieved in three months after this plan is published:

  • Access Workplace Accessibility Training for all leaders on HR Downloads or another carrier

The company will take the following actions in the long term to address these identified barriers, that
will take one year or more to achieve after this plan is published:

  • Ensure all leaders review Workplace Accessibility during ongoing monthly leadership training


Barrier: Anything physical, architectural, technological, or attitudinal, anything that is based on
information or communications, or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice that hinders the
full and equal participation in society of a person with an impairment, including a physical, mental,
intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication, or sensory impairment, or a functional limitation.

Disability: Any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication,
and sensory impairment, or functional limitation that is either permanent, temporary, or episodic in
nature. It can be evident or not in interaction with a barrier to hinder a person’s full and equal
participation in society.

Date: May 31, 2024
Accessibility Plan completed by: Jarrod Jeanson, Human Resource Coordinator