Opportunity, Progress & Prosperity through Ingredient Manufacturing & Food Processing
Content from: Protein Industries Canada
In November 2023, Protein Industries Canada released an updated version of The Road to $25 Billion. The updated Roadmap outlines the opportunity – and the necessity – of growing Canada’s domestic value-added agriculture sector. In response to the challenges facing Canada, including declining productivity and investment in innovation, Canada needs to invest in sectors that will insulate Canada from disruption and bring economic growth – and that sector is agriculture and food manufacturing.
Progress & Prosperity
Canada’s $25 Billion Opportunity
in Ingredient Manufacturing, Food
Processing and Bio-products
Market diversification
Canada is an export nation. We have the potential to be a provider of some of the most important products needed globally
Over the past year, Protein Industries Canada, has been hyper-focused on the development of strong industrial policy for the value-added agriculture sector. This work has culminated in the launch of The Road to $25 Billion and the subsequent work we have done to drill down in The Path Forward on three specific areas: